Top 11 Foods That Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation Is Vital – Wait What? Yep, you read that right. Inflammation is vital to healing damaged areas of your body. But, if it persists over long Source by catiemosher

What to Eat to Beat Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation is triggered by the immune system responding to irritants or foreign compounds, often in food or the environment. With no overt symptoms, chronic inflammation is a little harder to understand or even recognize. However, research has linked it with obesity, metabolic syndrome, he Source by dynaracer33

12 Juicing Recipes for Inflammation –

Fighting off the pain and discomfort of inflammation can be as simple as consuming a glass of juice every morning. That’s right – with a few simple ingredients that may already be in your refrigerator or pantry right now, you can mix up an anti-inflammatory elixir that soothes your painful joints, boosts your immunity, aids…Read…